Contest: Show Us How You Smooze To Win!

show us how you smooze

Wanna win enough Smooze to throw your friends a party! Then, Show us how you Smooze! Do you eat this icy pop on its own or mix it up for breakfast or in a cocktail or __________? Tell us or better yet, show us on Facebook or Twitter. The winners will be chosen on Wednesday, May 20th.

Here’s how to enter on Facebook:

  1. Like Us on Facebook: Smooze + Love With Food
  2. Show us how you Smooze by posting a photo or sharing your own Smooze Recipe on both Love With Food and Smooze’s Facebook Page!

Here’s how to enter on Twitter:

  1. For Tweets - Follow: @LoveWithFood
  2. Tell us how you’d Smooze or Create an easy recipe for bonus points!

smooze breakfast bowl

Smooze! Breakfast Bowl

  1. Grab a bowl and squeeze out the Smooze Coconut + Pink Guava Fruit Ice
  2. Add your favorite granola.
  3. Layer on the fruit - bananas & berries!
  4. Grab a spoon and dig in!

smooze happy hour

Smooze Happy Hour

  1. Squeeze out the Smooze Coconut + Pink Guava Fruit Ice in a fun glass!
  2. Add an optional shot of vodka, rum, gin or cider.
  3. Add sparkling water and fresh berries!
  4. Mix it and add a straw for a swirling good time!

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