4 Fun Facts About Luna’s Lemon Zest Bar (P.S. It’s Gluten-Free!)


We’re totally obsessed right now with the Lemon Zest Mini by Luna Bar. I mean, who needs a candy bar when you can pack this in your purse or kid’s lunch bag for a tasty ending to any meal or as a quick and healthy snack on the go. And it’s not just the zesty taste that has us smitten. We’re crazy for the nutritional benefits too. Check out these fun facts and you’ll see why.

  1. They’re Calcium Rich: Calcium works in muscle contraction and is important for bone strength. Vitamin D helps aid calcium absorption (in there too!)Calcium Rich
  2. They’ve got antioxidants: Vitamins A, C and E help prevent cell damage and boost the immune system. Antioxidants A, C & E
  3. We’re Talking Fiber Galore: Mainly found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, fiber provides many health benefits from lowering cholesterol to regulating digestion. In LUNA products, fiber is found in their organic oats, oat fiber, organic flaxseed, nuts, dried fruit, and inulin. Protein and Fiber
  4. And Folic Acid in Spades: Found naturally in leafy greens, this B-vitamin is especially important for women in their child-bearing years as it has a big role in cell growth and development. High In Folic Acid

Get the picture? Thought so. That said, if you want to try this tasty bar, you can shop here for the Starry Nights Gluten-Free Snack Box by G-Free Foodie. Of course, if you begin obsessing too, please don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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