
Bacon Macarons With Bacon-infused Port Wine Filling


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Ingredients for Macaron
1 1/2 cups almonds meal or sliced blanched almonds
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
3 large egg whites
a pinch of salt salt
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
5 slices of bacon

Ingredients for Bacon-Infused Port Wine Filling
1 stick butter
1 cup powdered sugar
2 oz cream cheese
2 cups tawny port wine + 2 tablespoon tawny port wine
5 slices bacon

Make Macaron
1) Prepare Bacon Bits - Bake 5 slices of bacon in oven at 400F for about 20 mins, till both sides are crispy. Let cool. When cooled, put crispy bacon in food processor or spice grinder. Process till bacon is fine.

2) For baking macarons, preheat oven at 300F (150 C). Prepare oven rack on middle shelf.

3) Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Add a few drops of water on baking sheet before placing parchment paper. This way the paper will not move away while you are piping the macaron batter.

4) In a food processor, grind powdered sugar, almonds till fine.

5) In an electric mixer, beat egg whites with pinch of salt. When egg whites are starting to stiffen up, add granulated sugar. Beat at high speed for about 2 minutes till egg whites are stiff and firm.

6) Remove mixing bowl from mixer. Carefully fold in the dry ingredients (from step 3). Fold gently but do not over mix. The mixture should look thick, like magma consistency, it shouldn't be runny. Over-mixing will cause maracons not to rise.

7) Add macaroon batter to a pastry bag or ziploc bag.

8) Pipe the batter on the parchment-lined baking sheet. Pipe 1-inch circles, leaving about 1 inch apart. Then sprinkle bacon bits on top of each macaron.

9) Slam the baking sheet gently on a flat surface. This will flatten the batter. Let it sit for about 30 mins. Letting it sit will help the macaroon create a nice cracked base while baking. Gently touched the piped batter, you should feel a layer a 'skin' form. The batter shouldn't stick to your finger.

10) Bake on middle shelf at 300F for 10 mins.

11) Remove from oven and let it cool completely before peeling macaron off the baking sheet.

12) Assemble - Pipe bacon-infused port wine filling on the inside of the macaron. Top it with another macaron to create a sandwich.

Make Bacon-Infused Port Wine Filling
1) Dice bacon into 1/2 inch pieces

2) In a heated pot (not non-stick), add the diced bacon.

3) Cook bacon for about 5 mins and then remove the fat.

4) Add 1 cup of tawny port wine to the pot with bacon to de-glaze the bottom of the pot.

5) Then add another cup. Let wine simmer in port for about 30 mins. Then remove all the bacon from the pot. Continue to simmer the wine till it reduces to a syrup. It'll take another 15 mins.

6) Pour port wine syrup into a sieve. Then let cool.

7) When the syrup is cooled, prepare the filling. In a mixer, add butter, sugar, 2 tablespoon port wine and cream cheese. Beat at medium speed. When it's mixed well, taste it. Add more sugar if you prefer it to be sweeter. Then add 2 tablespoon of port wine syrup. Mix well. Give it a taste. Then add 2 more tablespoon of port wine syrup if you prefer a stronger port wine taste.

8) Add mixture into a piping bag or ziploc bag. Put in fridge to let it harden a little.

Yield: 40 servings
Prep Time: 1 hr 0 mins
Cook Time: 0 hr 10 mins
Ready In: 0 hr 10 mins
Category: Desserts
Main Ingredient: Pork
Cooking Method: Baking
Recipe Tags: french macaron macaron bacon

Chef's Note & Story

This is an AWARD-winning recipe. Won 2nd prize at Bacon Takedown!

See here for step-by-step photo instruction >

Maracons are very sensitive to oven temperature. Make sure to bake 2-4 pieces to test your oven before baking the entire batter.

  • Gabrielle
  • wbo