7 Signs You’re In Love With Quinoa


1. It bugs you to no end when people pronounce it wrong.




i heart keenwah makes it easy to remember. They also make Quinoa Puffs Herbes de Provence that will make you feel things you never thought a snack could make you feel.


2. You could find your way to the right shelf at the grocery store in your sleep.




“…How did I end up at Trader Joe’s?”

“Eh, well since I’m already here…”


3. This is you when somebody says “So quinoa is basically just rice, right?”




Stop embarrassing yourself.


4. You’re delighted whenever you find a new snack with quinoa.




Like Chocolate Banana Bars from 2 Degrees. Get on it.


5. You know how to cook quinoa perfectly every time, without ever checking a recipe.




Following directions is for newbs.


6. When someone says that something “has quinoa” in it, you have to know what kind.




Red? White? Black? Get the colors straight, people.


7. You know your life (and diet) got 100x better the day you were first introduced to quinoa.


You complete me, quinoa.


What do you love about quinoa? Tell us in the comments below!


Feature photo by Flickr user Daquella manera

2 Responses to “7 Signs You’re In Love With Quinoa”

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