6 Genius Ways To Eat Granola You Have To Try


Granola. Everyone’s heard of it. But there’s so much more to it than a simple snack bar or something to mix with yogurt. Don’t believe me? Read on and see just how wrong you are.


1. Toss Into A Salad



Tired of those boring pecans or walnuts just sitting in your salad? Wake up: Granola will instantly add life to your leafy greens.


2. Swap In For Sprinkles



Dress up your favorite cupcakes with some sweet (or even savory!) granola for a unique twist. Birthdays will never be the same. (Hint: Try the Vanilla Almond flavor by Ola! Foods. Nomnom.)


3. Jack Up Your Holiday Stuffing


Source: Flickr user angela n.


These days Thanksgiving stuffing can include just about anything, so why not throw in your favorite granola for a new kick of flavor?


4. Use It To Revolutionize Crispy Chicken


Source: Flickr user dno1967b


Breadcrumbs are out, granola is in. And much more interesting.


5. No Cereal? No Problem


Source: Flickr user SweetOnVeg


Disaster: You wake up (probably too early) to find that you’re out of your favorite nutty, crunchy breakfast food. Relax! Just add some milk to a bowl of granola (try Seriously Seedy Giddy Up & Go Granola by Thoughtful Food). Boom.


6. Power Up Your Pancakes Or Waffles


Source: Flickr user amberdegrace


Toss your fave granola into the batter, impress everyone with your improvisation and change breakfast forever.



What’s your favorite creative way to use granola in a recipe? Let us know in the comments below!


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