Do You Want To Sneak A Peek into Love With Food’s July Snack Box?

Love With Food: What's in the July '15 Box?

Get amped! We’ve got three totally tubular treats to share with you from our July Snack Box. Our resident snackin’ beach bunnies, Stephanie and Katie are here to deliver some great news too! With your help, we have donated over 500,000 meals to food banks across the U.S. and the numbers just keep on growing. And there are more surprises in store, so watch the video or you’ll wipe out.

Last month, we asked you to tell us: What kind of games do you like to play at the park? We received so many comments and it’s hard to pick just one but our winner is: Bea Jones

Wanna be our next winner? Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and leave a comment.

8 Responses to “Do You Want To Sneak A Peek into Love With Food’s July Snack Box?”

  1. Laura Dawe

    Three square Food bank in Las Vegas, NV!!! woohoo!!! And thank you!!!


  2. Kristi Wolfe

    Hope Ministries in North Wilkesboro, NC. They help hundreds monthly, and the shelves are often bare thanks to the state of the local economy. :( We LOVE getting our boxes every month. Its great to get to try new things and help others at the same time!



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