Love Letters Make it All Worthwhile

lovewithfood letters

Yes, of course, Love with Food is all about delivering the most amazing snack samples from around the country to you and your family every month, but for us it’s a lot more than that. And while Valentine’s is approaching, we’re feeling a bit mushier than normal. Why not let it all out?

We want to thank you, our amazing customers, for supporting our work in feeding hungry children throughout the U.S. Did you know that with your help, we’ve given over 400,000 meals? Seriously! You can even go to our website and see all of the different food banks that have benefited from your generosity.

Remember, for every snackbox purchased, you actually donate at least one meal to a food bank-for deluxe boxes and gluten-free subscriptions we donate two meals per purchase on your behalf. If your subscription ran out, no worries. You can renew anytime and automatically donate on an ongoing basis.

So, while you’re packing a new non-GMO treat into your kid’s lunchbox or powering down the latest energy bar before you hit that 5pm spinning class, we want you to have a smile on your face. We may be the ones to receive the thank you notes, but you deserve lots of love too. Keep up the good work!

Happy Valentines,

From Your Not-So-Secret Admirers at Love with Food

Snack Smart. Do Good.


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