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Grill Right Wireless Talking Oven/barbeque Thermometer

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Item By:   BurninLoveBBQ
Item Category:   Cook's Tools & Gadgets, Timers & Thermometers
Item Price:   $35.00 - Buy Now


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Item Details

We'll let you know when your BBQ is ready from a football field away! No need to wait by the grill to find out when dinner is ready--this wireless thermometer verbally alerts you when the meat has reached the perfect temperature. Program your choice of eight entrées, choose the doneness desired and you're good to grill. Features include: Digital LCD screen with remote wireless probe to identify temperature/readiness of meat; Speaks in five languages with corresponding display (English, Spanish, German, French, Danish); and Programmable entrée programs include beef, lamb, veal, hamburger, pork, turkey, chicken, and fish.

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Name: Perkins Perry P
About: A 3rd generation chef, I focus my love of food on bbq, southern fare, and fresh Northwest cuisine. See my books @ &